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The common practice of security involves three pillars: Manpower; Technology and Procedures. The correct balance and integration of all three will determine the level of the security. In sizable businesses, these three elements are managed through a control center serving as the axis and the ‘brain’.

In today’s world’ technology is rapidly developing and becomes a major factor in the security plan. It is my belief that technology is the key for better and advanced security, yet we should all be aware of its cons as well as its prons.

In this paper I’d like to draw your attention to some of the technology limitation:

Serves a purpose – many times we are dazzled by a new technology and often have the urge to integrate it into our system. Before doing so, be sure to first define your operational requirements and only then seek for the best technology and not the other way round. Defining your needs will ensure you choose the best technology and within it, the correct modules. Many times, we purchase modules that are paid for, yet never used. This process will also help managing budget.

A supporting tool – The common ‘output’ of technology is either ‘1’ or ‘0’. It cannot think, feel, evaluate nor make a decision. Although on one these are considered as advantages, no external influence, on the other hand, technology could never replace manpower, only reduce it. Technology has to be managed and configured by a professional who can analyze the data and ultimately make a decision.

Only good when working – How often did you look for a CCTV footage to investigate a problem only to discover that the system did not record or that the specific camera was not working? To avoid these instances, it is advised to initiate a scheduled, predefined, logged system checks. The frequency of these system tests should be according to its importance in the security process.

The urge to integrate technology into the overall security system is understandable and recommended however it is important to ensure that you get what you need, and that you define the ‘need’ before you ‘get’. Once you have it, ensure it is operating. Also, and more importantly, bear in mind that eventually behind any technology should be a person to ultimately make the decision, therefore, handpick your staff and train them well.

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